Nuit Blanche 2024
ArtHubs Youngplace
180 Shaw St, Toronto

For Whom?
Alysha Rocca
Cardboard, spray paint, glue, woodfill
Working with the themes of identity and the male gaze “For Whom?” conveys the powerful message of self discovery and self respect. Becoming aware of societal expectations of a woman’s body brought up a resistance to conform to the norm as I asked myself “for whom am I doing this for?” Was I grooming myself as a form of self-care? Was I decorating myself for the male gaze? For whom is this for?
While wrestling with this complication, I understood that this tiny hand held shaving razor carried much more power and influence than I cared to acknowledge. That scale of anxiety, wonder, and resistance brewed a new way of thinking about myself in a more positive fashion. The lifesize razors are meant to engage those feelings of anxiety, wonder and resistance. Looming over you at the height of 6ft tall, this razor is intimidating you to “conform to the norm.” Pushing oneself to consider the societal norms and comply to please the male gaze. The colours are bright and playful, a Dr. Seuss influence, which attracts our child-like wonder to engage with these concepts. The comedical aspect of a large razor used on delicate parts of the body cannot be ignored, as it adds to the silliness of abandoning oneself to please others. As we come to face the resistance of taking care of one's body for the enjoyment of others, we are reconnected with the self. We disown the expectations that society holds for how a woman's body is to be groomed, and we stand beside these razors (in relation to our own bodies) and accept that it is my body and my choice.
Aligning our choices with our beliefs, we uphold boundaries and begin our descent to self-discovery. We can now walk around these razors reflecting on how identity possesses access to self-respect.